On the eve of the new academic year, the University of Girona prepared the induction week to welcome the second edition of IFRoS master students and provide them with specific, useful, and interesting information such as language courses offer, UdG sports service, and campus guided tour.
The induction week for students starting the first semester of 2022/2023 took place from September 13 to 15, 2022.
Induction week @univgirona
We extend the welcome to the first edition students who have started their second academic year at the University of Zagreb (FER) or ELTE Eötvös Loránd University.
In this regard, FER organised the New Student Orientation Meeting on 28 September 2022 with an introductory class for international students.
Welcome to all students. We are all starting with great excitement.
Welcome @unizg
Welcome @elte